Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Wormhole RR dominix

Several players have been asking me about my RR Dominix fit.  I like paired (or more) remote repairing drone boats.

If in doubt, practice first on Singularity ( http://foo-eve.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/eve-beta-client-windows-edition.html )

The following fit's philosophy will apply varying Gallente droneboats, but the Domnix is the one I know best.

[Dominix, DroneMaster]

1600mm Steel Plates II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II

Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Sensor Booster II
Cap Recharger II

Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Large Remote Armor Repairer II
Large Remote Armor Repairer II

Large Egress Port Maximizer I
Large Egress Port Maximizer I
Large Sentry Damage Augmentor I

Vespa EC-600 x5
Garde II x4
Hornet EC-300 x5
Bouncer II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x10

Optimal Range Script x2
Tracking Speed Script x2
Targeting Range Script x1
Scan Resolution Script x1

[Dominix, DroneSlave]
1600mm Steel Plates II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II

Omnidirectional Tracking Link I
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Sensor Booster II
Cap Recharger II

Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Large Remote Armor Repairer II
Large Remote Armor Repairer II

Large Egress Port Maximizer I
Large Egress Port Maximizer I
Large Sentry Damage Augmentor I

Hobgoblin II x10
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Garde II x4
Bouncer II x5
Salvage Drone I x5

Optimal Range Script x2
Tracking Speed Script x2
Targeting Range Script x1
Scan Resolution Script x1

Have a 2% cpu implant for this one.  The MJD is the GTFO option.  Or swap out the MJD for something useful, possibly another sensor booster (or target painter on the master).  If you do so you can upgrade the tracking link.

By all means fit meta 4 instead of tech 2, but don't bother with these ships unless you have capacitor emissions 4.

Match the cap emission modules.  If one of a pair (or trio) is using meta 4, then all in that set use meta 4.

Flying notes:

Capacitor Emission Systems 4 is mandatory, 5 is strongly recommend.

Warp both Dominix to site, at range.
Launch drones, move, something to to break local invulnerability.
Target each other and apply both capacitor transmitters and one armor repairer.  Apply second armor repairer as necessary.

Slave assigns drones to master.

Master uses target painter to 'shoot' slaves drones, applies own drones normally.

Master is responsible for main DPS.

Slave can as necessary swap out sentries for light drones to clean up frigates, then swap back to sentries (or heavies)

The primary difference between master and slave is the target painter.

MASTER SHOULD DO NOT APPLY TARGET PAINTER TO PAIRED SHIP. IT WILL HURT. So says bitter experience.  If it does happen, then make very sure to reapply drones to new targets as soon as possible by reapplying target painter to something else.  Generally this occurs because your fleet member needs extra reps and is already in armor.  Then their armor dips into structure.  If you have a non-drone boat not participating in remote exchanges, it would be better to assign all drones to that boat.

While you should not get out of range of your pair, you should not be stationary either.  Orbit something - your paired fleet member, a sentry drone, or maybe even a jet-canned <anything>.

This setup works well for multiboxing.  It scales well too.

For the remote capacitor exchanges, in a larger squad, you can apply the remote capacitor to 1 up 1 down.  This will help even out any neuting.  Alternatively, minimise the damage caused by insufficient skills by organising ships in pairs or trios (so any difficulty with cap exchange is minimised to a few ships.)

Sleepers are damage agnostic, so match your drones to range.  When the hostile resists are known, consider that when selecting drones.

The reason for the cap exchange rigs instead of remote armor rep rigs is that you are cap exchanging 100% of the time, but only repairing as needed.

We ran 4 of these in our C4 when we had it, and only ever had problems when I was 'helping' friends ... by applying the target painter on them.  Doing so causes excitement on voice coms.

If you have sufficient points already on field, this also makes a reasonable defensive fleet.

I am not an inspired Pyfa warrior, but this fleet worked for us.  Old pilots that want to provide alternative fits (or links to such fits) are welcome to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I used a trio with one cap transfer, 4 cap rechargers, 3 RR, and RR rigs. I was able to clear C5 gas sites with this. I didn't use a target painter. Drones were not touched, but they did swap targets. Normally their primary took both damage and neuts so cap pressure wasn't bad. When they did split damage and neuts, I just had to adjust cap transfer.
    This required lots of micromanagement, but I had fun.


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