Saturday 7 March 2015

Google docs whack-a-mole continued, plus a request of readers

My whack-a-mole with google docs is continuing.

I have added caching and a random delay to my open copy of the trading spreadsheet.

I think it should be ... less unstable than it was before.

Readers, can you please have open (and leave open) the above spreadsheet for a few days, using either Firefox or Chrome.  Eve's in game browser has no chance.  Internet explorer and Opera struggle.  It is a published document and I don't mind if you keep it open longer.

A full refresh (daily) will take a couple of minutes to load.  Apart from that, it should be fairly quick.

If it is breaking, please leave a comment on this page.  If you find yourselves using it (either the original - which I can track, or a copy - which I can't), please also leave comments about how.

This is a continuation of


  1. Took about a minute to fully load the page (no more 'calculating formulas in the top right corner').

    TheForgeBuy column shows #ERROR (Internal error executing the custom function).

    It's unlikely I can remember not to close the sheet and leave it open a few days, as my tendency is to minimize the number of open windows I have and shut down my computer at the end of the day.

  2. Error caght is kinda good. No idea why its not consistent. I may end up with a google app as a front end


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