Monday 14 April 2014

700 plex up for grabs

Plex currently are at a historical high.  Great for those spend cash and sell plex on market; less great for those that buy plex in game. 

Some suspect that CCP manipulate plex prices.  In my opinion (humble or otherwise), they do.

To add a floor to plex prices, new uses of plex created.  Most recently, ships skins were added, but so was multi character training. CCP knows how many plex have been converted to skins, but I suspect its a few.

CCP add plex to the markets via sales and now special events.

CCP have an event to award 700 Plex across 16 pilots (link).  These Plex have been confiscated from banned accounts.

To get your share of the Plex, you need to find the target (following to do so), and do one of the following:
  • Top Damage, or
  • Final Blow on either ship or pod, or
  • Contract the relevant corpse back to Hikemi Korrado, or
  • Top damage by ship class, from frigate to battleship.
Events will be across scattered timezones:
April 13 – 17:00 UTC
April 14 – 11:30 UTC
April 15 – 18:00 UTC
April 16 – 14:00 UTC
April 17 – 20:00 UTC
April 19 – 02:00 UTC
April 19 – 22:00 UTC

Many claim that Pandemic Legion won the first day (in lowsec).  Second day is in highsec. Stnadard 'crimewatch' rules will hold.  Organise for your highsec remote repairers to be in fleet.

Some Q&A;

The targets, flown by CCP staff, are rumoured flying Wyverns, even in highsec. Rumor has it that CCP historically omni tank.   This is not a safe event.  Offgrid boosters will be brought.  Defensive logistics, neuts, ECM all make sense (but also make you more likely to be a target).  Bring friends; your competitors will be.

During the first event, CCP announced the name of the target, the relevant constellation and the total bounty (40 Plex).  Apparently all prizes went to Pandemic Legion.

This event, in isolation, will not make a long term difference to the plex market.  There are already many plex traded in Jita, 700 is a symbolic drop, possibly enough to pop a bubble, but not to make a long term difference.

Those concerned with flying safely need not apply; for this event, fly dangerous.


  1. Time to wake up from my EVE hibernation and see about attending this event on april 15, 17 (and/or perhaps the 19th).

  2. As manipulation of ISK prices goes, this does seem pretty tame. I like to think that that's not what'd driving this week's event(s), and that instead what we're seeing is Team Security releasing all the confiscated ISK to the devs, and the devs deciding to throw an enormous ISK party. I can dig it.

  3. It's a balancing act. CCP has a vested interest in ensuring the ISK price of PLEX is high enough to keep people spending real money buying PLEX to resell for ISK, yet still low enough to not kill demand from those who buy PLEX with ISK.

    Adding new ways to use PLEX (dual/multi training, skins, etc) increases demand and drives the ISK price up.


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